Paolo Gentiloni
European Commissioner for Economy
The hon. Paolo Gentiloni (born November 22, 1954 in Rome) is Former Prime Minister of Italy. He is a professional journalist and has a degree in Political Sciences. Since 2001 he is Member of Parliament, elected in the Italian Democratic Party. Currently member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. In 2005 he was Chairman of the Broadcasting Services Watchdog Committee. In 2006 he served as Minister for Communications in Prime Minister Romano Prodi’s government. In 2014 he served as Foreign Minister in Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s government. In December 2016, he was appointed Prime Minister, serving until June 1st 2018. He is a distinguished fellow in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings Institution and member of the Economist Global Advisory Board. His last book is “La sfida impopulista” (The (Un)populist challenge), Rizzoli, 2018